

DELTA LABS is engaged in developing, manufacturing and marketing a broad range of natural herbal products globally, our strength lies in developing and manufacturing differentiated in-house products, which we commercialize through our marketing infrastructure across geographies and relationships with multi-national companies.

We believe that our competitive advantage in the domestic market lies in our established presence in all major therapeutic areas including nephrology, oncology and diabetes, vitamins and minerals and nutrients products.

We focus our research and development efforts on developing a portfolio of differentiated products. We are committed to provide high quality healthcare products for the people of all age across the globe.

Our state of the art manufacturing facilities feature the most advanced testing equipment to guarantee the quality of our products. Equipment are tested and certified, and every manufacturing process is validated. All supplier procedures are strictly supervised to ensure the best Quality of our products. Our company is I partnership with manufacturers from Turkey and Germany.

For now manufacturing is doing under supervise of Turkey pharmacist.

Also final composition is taking approve from our Germany partners.


GesFreLeb Germany – our partner for marketing and final composition

Ilacsan Medikal Sanayi Turkey – our partner in marketing and final composition.

GesFreLeb Germany